I’m assuming most of you don’t want to have smelly clothes and shoes, right? And I’m assuming you don’t want to have your work out clothes smell even when clean? Well I, like you, definitely don’t want to be that smelly exercise-r, and was quick to jump in and volunteer to test out 2Toms Stink Free Laundry Detergent and 2Toms StinkFree Spray.
I tried out the laundry detergent first. I took a load of workout clothes (and clothes I had done yard work in-ick!) that had been stacking up for almost two weeks and was eager to see how the detergent would work.
I put it in the washing machine and then threw my clothes in on top. I ran the cycle and was eager to see how things turned out. One thing I love about the place I live is that I have a clothes line outside- SO FUN!
Once the clothes were done being washed I hung them outside to dry in the sun, and noticed that they smelled so fresh and clean when they had dried!
BUT, an additional test was needed- how did the clothes smell once I started exercising again? I feel like sometimes clothes feel fine, but once they heat up again with exercise, the smell can come out strong, but these clothes continued to smell great!
I also tried out the 2Toms StinkFree Shoe & Gear Spray. My running shoes are new right now, so I couldn’t try them on those shoes, but did try them on an old pair that got really gross after being soaked in Central Park (and then not being able to dry for quite some time- blech!). I just sprayed it on into the shoes, and it worked well! I could definitely see myself bringing this spray on trips where I’ll be working out repeatedly, or doing something like hiking!
I love that both these products contain no perfume in the formula, and helps to remove bacteria that causes odor! Both these things are things I can get behind!
Now it’s your turn to share! What item of clothing holds smells the most? Which gear items could use the StinkFree Spray?
My clothes and my sweat sticks! My sports bras especially! I need to check these items out. I don’t spend a ton of money on workout clothes, because I eventually just throw them away because I can’t get the sweaty smell out of them.
Yes! Definitely check it out. I hope it’s helpful.