Well, I’ve been using my Powersheets now for almost 9 months, so I thought that I’d do a bit of an update on them! If you missed any of the posts below related to my Powersheets process, you can click on them to read them!
Powersheets & My Intentional Goal Setting Process
Through the powersheets prepwork, I identified my word for the year as “reclaim” (you can read the link where I explain that a bit more). I outlined goals for reading, decluttering, exercising, eating, memorizing Bible verses, etc…
The thing that I love about powersheets is that each month I go back to those 10 goals that I wrote for myself, and I write individual daily, weekly, and monthly goals for myself based on these goals, and whatever other random things have popped up in life for that month.
Each month there’s a place to list out important to dos, things I’m excited about, and a long brain stream. After I look through that, I combine that with my 10 goals (which are refreshed seasonally) and use that to create goals for the month. I also pick a word or a phrase to use throughout that month.
I believe that health takes intentional work, processing, and awareness, and I love that Powersheets allows me to focus in on the most needed goals for my development for that month, while also taking a yearly approach.
I’ve found that writing it down and committing to something for that month has been helpful, as well as building in smaller monthly or weekly goals to build into a bigger yearly goal. Powersheets are a tangible goal setting guide with grace and a big picture approach included, and I find this SO helpful in being able to stick to those things that I want to cultivate in myself.
I’ve been so happy to finally “reclaim” my ability to run after a very long knee injury. I’ve also been working on reclaiming my space through decluttering, and have gotten rid of just under 1,100 items this year (donated and thrown away- yes, I counted!). Cultivating an awareness of my goals, and intentionally setting small steps to get there, has made all the difference.
It’s been so rewarding to find the things, both big and small, that I’ve been able to “reclaim” in my life, and it’s interesting how some of the tiny seeds I identified in the Powersheets Prep Work section have grown into my life in a beautiful and meaningful way.
Powersheets will be launching again on the Cultivate What Matters site next month– I can’t wait!!