The Little Things
March 11, 2014

One thing that I absolutely LOVE about barre class (beyond all the awesome benefits), is getting to listen to an hour of music that’s fun (especially the music in the barre section)! I tend to shazam music as I’m listening to the radio, and then add them to a note I have on my phone. When I sit down to actually make a playlist, I have to figure out not only what songs are appropriate for the time segment, but I also need to make sure that the beat is appropriate. The entire process does take some time, but it’s quite a bit of fun. I’ve had some fantastic responses to this current playlist, so I thought I’d share it with you!

Picture 8

And here it is broken down by section:

Warm Up

Pilates Section

Planks Section

Cardio Section

Barre Section

Cool Down

This playlist has a lot of energy though, which is perfect for 6 am class! I find myself thinking of the songs throughout the day, and I feel like it gives me energy throughout the work day, despite my 4:50 wake up call! If you are interested in another playlist, you can click here for another barre playlist.

Now it’s your turn to share! What’s one of your favorite workout songs right now?

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