Our morning routine lays a foundation for the day, and creating a morning routine is incredibly important.
So what makes your morning calm, peaceful, and grounding? Maybe that’s taking time to journal, exercise, or read the Bible/other inspirational book. Maybe it’s investing in sitting down to eat breakfast instead of frantically eating on the way to work (or not even eating breakfast at all!). Or, perhaps, it’s focusing on deep breathing or meditation and drinking a cup of hot water with lemon.
Whatever your calm and peacefulness is in the morning, make it a priority to incorporate it into your life. I know it can be hard for me to give up 15 minutes of sleep for part of my morning routine, but I’m usually a lot more awake, alert, and happy when I get to work if I do. Spend some time reflecting and journaling about what life-giving activities you could add into your morning routine. Be intentional about adding these things into your routine, and watch how it impacts the rest of your day!
Now it’s your turn to share! What do you find life-giving or grounding as you start your day? Is there something you would like to add into your morning routine?