The Little Things
February 4, 2015

Running has taught me so my wonderful lessons in life, and one of the great ones that I keep going back to is that of learning to tolerate discomfort in the moment. As humans, we often naturally avoid discomfort in life, and part of that is obviously a very healthy thing, one that keeps us safe. But some of it isn’t. As a counselor, I know this. Tolerating discomfort is absolutely critical to changing and growing, and so often part of succeeding in life.

Tolerate Discomfort

This lesson from running is often most prominent during the first two minutes of an ice both. These minutes are the worst. I have to focus on my breathing, I’m shaking violently, and my body aches- and I wonder what in the world I’m thinking that I keep putting myself through this. And then I remember that I put myself through that discomfort because the results are SO much better for me, and are well worth the discomfort. If the discomfort wasn’t worth it, I would certainly not put myself through a 10 minute ice bath that includes violent shaking and teeth chattering. Ice baths make a huge difference for me, so I tolerate discomfort because it provides something good.

I’ve also learned to tolerate discomfort in the burning of my legs and lungs as I run my VO2max sprints. At the end of the workout I want to throw up and feel dizzy every single time. It’s certainly not comfortable at all, but I do it because it provides something good. I put up with workout after workout of sprints, and I credit that in helping me set a new half marathon PR after 2 years of trying. The discomfort, gasping for air, and feeling like I’m going to throw up is worth it, even though it doesn’t feel good.

I learned to tolerate discomfort in the injuries that I’ve gotten. I’m really prone to injury, and when I get injured, I’m uncomfortable physically and mentally as I wait to heal. I tolerate discomfort and injury along the way because it’s part of something that I deeply value- training and running.

Running has taught me to tolerate discomfort in the moment to get to something much bigger in multiple ways, and this lesson from running isΒ absolutely critical in all of life. In life, if we want growth and change to happen, we need to be able to appropriately handle and tolerate discomfort in our lives. If we can, the journey can be fantastic.

Now it’s your turn to share! What’s running taught you? How have you learned to tolerate discomfort in life?


6 responses to “Learning to Tolerate Discomfort In The Moment {Lessons From Running}”

  1. CrossFit teaches me to tolerate discomfort all the time! When I’m doing a workout, I’m completely smoked, but I know I’m only half way done. Suck it up buttercup πŸ˜‰ Makes me think of the phrase I’ve heard recently “embrace the suck”.

  2. Jess says:

    This is a great reminder to push on through during the tough times. For what distances do you do ice baths? I’ve actually never done one, but I ice all the time. I was thinking that it might be nice to sit in the tub this weekend after my 8-miler instead.

    • says:

      It totally depends in regards to ice baths. If I’m going to need to ice multiple parts of my legs, then even after 4-5 miles I might do it simply because it’s easier and will take less time.

  3. Emilie says:

    I agree with all of this! Many (if not most) of my runs are uncomfortable to some extent. That’s how we make progress. It’s fun to see a pace that used to cause me discomfort become an easy pace. It makes all the hard work and pain worth it! Though I don’t think I will ever tolerate ice baths…I absolutely hate to be cold and am a huge wimp about trying it!

    • says:

      I don’t like it either, but I can tell it helps- and that’s what I have to tell myself the first 2-3 mins of the bath! After that I’m a little more numb and don’t feel so uncomfortable anymore πŸ™‚