Hello world, I’ve missed you! I’ve been recently thinking quite a bit about blogging, since September is the month that I started this blog. I used to write in it most days, tracking books, reading, mental health information, what I was cooking, etc… Unfortunately, with a job promotion in the fall of 2015, my life became much more busy, and this blog was slowly pushed more and more to the side. I have to say, though, that while this hasn’t fallen into the category of “best, favorite, or necessary” for awhile, I do really miss it- it was such a rhythm to my life for so many years!
SO, I thought I would give you a little update on my life! I’m still running (not too much since my knee injury), haven’t biked at all this summer (remember when I used to do 50-70 mile bike rides most weeks of the summer?), have walked A LOT, went on a hiking vacation out west, am still reading a lot (but far less than I did in 2015, 2016, or 2017, which I’m sad about!), but still enjoying the hobbies I’ve had.
I purchased a house, which was really exciting and a major “new” in my life, since I had rented before. Home ownership has been a learning curve in some ways, but I’ve enjoyed having a place that really feels like mine.
Like I said, I’ve really tried the past few years to use the filter of “best, favorite, or necessary” for what I engage in in my life. That doesn’t mean I always do that, of course, but it has been helpful to be intentional about what I engage with, what I read, what hobbies I commit to, and what friendships I have. It’s hard though, right? We feel so guilty cutting things out of our lives, but if we hold onto things that aren’t “best, favorite, necessary”, then we have a life cluttered with things that we don’t really value. This has been such a hard and freeing lesson for me. I wrote a bit about my then-current processings of best, favorite, necessary back in March of 2018!
So, that’s a quick little update on my life currently!