The Little Things
August 8, 2016

This past weekend was my birthday, and I’m still feeling so surprised and happy about all the fun that I had. I have to start by saying that Melissa far outdid herself in planning a full 60 hours of Birthday fun and surprises, and I’m so thankful for all that she did- it was far more than I could have ever dreamed for the day!

birthday 6

She made a snapchat filter for me for the weekend, which was so much fun!

birthday snapchat

She also told me she made a picture slideshow of us the past two years, and we started to watch it. Then it switched into videos that my family had sent to her wishing me a happy birthday (since all my family members live in different parts of the country/world, they weren’t with me for my birthday). I cried watching it, and it was the sweetest thing. She also made my favorite cake- angel food cake!

birthday 12

She, along with another friend, planned a surprise party for me the day after my Birthday. I was so surprised, and I loved having so many dear friends in the same room. It felt overwhelming and full of love.

birthday 8

When I arrived on Friday, after we went to get our nails done, I saw that she had decorated her house with pink streamers and balloons, which was so fun! We enjoyed the Olympic opening ceremony- what a great start to Birthday weekend!

birthday olympic opening ceremony

Saturday morning I woke up and did my 6th annual Birthday run- so fun!! I ran while the sun was rising, and reflected on the year. I took time to thank God for giving me such a fantastic year of life, and prayed for the year ahead.

birthday run

Then it was time for a day full of plans with Melissa! We drove all over Indy eating, going to a water park where we enjoyed playing on water slides and floating on a lazy river, drinking iced coffee, and reading a bit while watching the Olympics!

birthday water park

A big group of us went out for Mexican for dinner, and then came back to her house to enjoy my new birthday gift- a fire pit! I’m so excited to be able to have fires! We made s’mores and watched the sun set as we closed out the day!

birthday smores

birthday 5

The day after my birthday we enjoyed a day of Starbucks, going on a walk, and enjoying more of the Olympics (swimming! gymnastics!).

birthday 3

Then she told me she needed to run to Old Navy for something, and wanted me to come with her. Ok! When we arrived home I was greeted with a group of people screaming “surprise!” and enjoyed my surprise party.

birthday surprise party

Seriously- what a most excellent birthday! My 16th birthday was absolutely wonderful, and that has been my favorite birthday so far, but this birthday absolutely beat that! 

I’m so thankful to be given another year of life. I’m thankful for all the sweet tweets, texts, phone calls, comments on instagram, etc… wishing me a happy birthday. I’m so thankful for all the love that I’ve received. I’m thankful for all that I’ve been given, and to have a job that I absolutely love.

What an amazing birthday!


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