The Little Things
August 30, 2016

Once again we’ve reached the end summer, and I’m back to my regular work schedule. I still worked 4o hours a week over the summer, but had a lot of flexibility in my schedule, with totally different tasks than the other 9 months of the year. I’ve so appreciated the months of summer (they’re my absolute favorite), so I thought I’d do a bit of a photo dump post for the summer!

This summer’s exercise looked totally different due to achilles tendinitis and my inner ear injury at the start of summer. I even had my first ambulance ride (that cost me roughly $1,000 🙁 )

summer 16 pic 7

That being said, I still had some wonderful bike rides, like my bike trip to Mackinac Island, a wonderful 40 miler in Indianapolis, and a fun 30 miler on country roads. I also had a great bike ride with alligators- I still need to write a post on that!

mackinac bike trip 5

corn biking country road

After taking 4 months off I slowly started running again (my longest run since March has been 3.1 miles on my birthday). I didn’t get to run any races this summer which was a bummer!

summer 16 pic 6

I read all sorts of wonderful books (about 45 of them in fact!). Some of my favorites include Nightingale, Mindset, Daring Greatly, The Body Keeps The Score, Never Never, and Essentialism.

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I had a wonderful trip out to South Dakota (The Black Hills) with my brother to hike again, which I really loved!

summer 16 pic 8

Sunday Gulch 4

Other trips included a trip to Florida and a trip to Kansas!

summer 16 pic 5 Summer 16 pic 4

I spent a lot of time in backyard this summer mowing, deadheading, and watering all the flowers that I planted!

summer 16 pic 1

I got patio furniture so I eat dinner outside a lot, and spend time reading out there at night as well. It’s hard not to take advantage of my backyard when I have a new fire pit!

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And I have a new cat friend! This cat walks around the neighborhood but spends several evenings a week hanging out in my backyard. He’ll sit on the chair next to me when I eat dinner which is pretty funny!

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And of course there was my birthday weekend full of celebrating, cake, pink, and a surprise birthday party!

birthday surprise party

This summer also lead to hours of watching Olympics Trials and Olympics coverage! What was your favorite sport to watch?

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This summer was full of all sorts of excitement, but also full of normal moments. There were beautiful sunsets, rain storms, moments I stood and watched the lighting bugs, and times I watched the fog roll in. I washed dishes and did laundry and went to work. I spent endless hours with friends, laughing and playing games. I went to farmer’s markets and I grilled. I went swimming in pools and lakes and oceans. I find joy in each of these moments.

summer 16 pic 9

To live in summer is a beautiful thing.

birthday olympic opening ceremony

Now here’s to another year of work!

Now it’s your turn to share! What were some of your summer highlights?

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