A few disclaimers for this blog:
*I am not a doctor, and these posts should not be taken as expert medical advice. I’m simply someone who has lived many years with POTS who has found resources around the internet that help to explain this syndrome. Please contact a doctor if you have questions about POTS or think you might have it
*While I am a counselor, these posts are in no way supposed to take the place of a doctor or a therapist. They are meant to challenge your thinking, convey information, and give you pause to evaluate your own life. If you are experiencing mental or emotional struggles (depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorder, etc…), please contact your doctor or a local counselor. If you are experiencing suicidal thinking, please immediately call 911, your doctor, or go to the hospital.
*I am not a personal trainer. Please consult your doctor and a fitness professional before beginning any exercise regiment.