Here’s what I read in April:
Grit (Angela Duckworth): This book is all about grit- perseverance and passion for long term goals. She talked about her research on grit and looked at how people develop more grit (and all about deliberate practice!). She also crossed the information on grit with the idea of growth mindsets (I talked all about the book Mindset here )- I loved this book and found it really interesting.
The Magician King (Lev Grossman): This was the 2nd book in The Magicians series. It was interesting and held my attention, but I don’t have much to say about it. I’ll definitely read the 3rd book in the series.
Sunrise Point and My Kind of Christmas (Robyn Carr): These were the final books in the Virgin River Series. There are 18 books (I started the series back in August of 2016), so it felt good to finally get through it!
Slow Kingdom Coming (Kent Annan): I could go on and on forever about this book. The subtitle of the book is “Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy, and Walking Humbly in the World”. This book explored 5 critical practices that need to be in place while helping, coming alongside another, and doing justice within the world. I highlighted so much in this book, and I just loved it. It felt beautiful and challenging and difficult and life-changing.
The World Is Bigger Now (Euna Lee): Several years ago, two US journalists were imprisoned and held in North Korea- this is the story written by one of those two journalists. It was fascinating.
Happily Ever After (Trista Sutter): Honestly, I was hoping that she would talk more about her time as the Bachelorette, but she really just hit on that story line a few times throughout the book. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the book, but I was hoping it would be so much more than it was.
Cold Tangerines (Shauna Niequist): I’ve read several books by this author, and style wise this book fits right in. She’s open and vulnerable in her story telling, and makes me feel, as the reader, that I’m sitting in her living room chatting with her. In this book she explores some of the small things that make up an extraordinary life.
If you only read a few things from the month: Slow Kingdom Coming and Grit
Now it’s your turn to share! What book have you loved lately? What book is next up on your “to read” list?