I have a very real love of chocolate. Growing up, at the end of a meal we would each get a tiny piece of chocolate, and in that way my dad created a love of chocolate for most of his kids. I would eat chocolate several times a day if it was good for me 🙂 So, when I saw the option to try out Nugo Nutrition’s Dark Chocolate bars, I immediately jumped at the chance!
I tried out 4 different flavors: dark chocolate sea salt pretzel, dark chocolate coconut, dark chocolate chocolate chip, and dark chocolate mint. OH MY GOSH. Don’t make me choose a favorite, because they were all so amazing!
A box of samples (with several flavors of each bar) arrived at my door and I tore into it almost immediately. That evening I biked after work, so I ate half a bar between work and exercise. I had a good amount of energy and my legs turned over pretty easily! Success! I ate the other half after.
I traveled over Christmas to Florida, and enjoyed half a bar while watching the sunrise. I ran immediately following, and it sat well in my stomach and fueled me through the run!
Right after New Years I went out to Colorado, and I dragged Nugo bars up a mountain to 11,000 feet in Winter Park. I sat outside in the snow enjoying a bar, and it keep me full for hours of outdoor winter fun!
11,000 feet and a feels like below zero. The views though…
I’ve also been enjoying them in the afternoons at work. I often get hungry around 4 pm, so having part of a bar at that time is what I need to get my to dinner!
Here are a few facts about Nugo nutrition dark chocolate bars: They have 10 g of protein in it, have fiber, calcium, and iron. They have lots of great antioxidants from the dark chocolate and the bars are gluten free and vegan (this lactose intolerant girl is happy about that)! All wins in my book! Have I mentioned that they are absolutely delicious?!
These bars held up wonderfully as I dragged them around the country (and up mountains!) and kept me full and powered me through workouts. I’ve been so happy to find out about these bars, and definitely plan on purchasing more. I also want to try out Nugo nutrition’s slim bars, which have less sugar but more protein and fiber (I’m trying to increase my intake of protein right now- especially in the mornings!). To read more about the company and try out more of their products, check out their website!
Now it’s your turn to share! What do you look for in a protein bar?