The Little Things
May 13, 2015

Have you ever seen Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds”? My mom felt like it was a good idea to show us that movie growing up, and while I was nervous about birds before hand, this definitely has heightened my nervousness. I had a very scary situation with a goose as a 2 year old (that’s for another post), and my mom got a little chunk taken out of her finger by a family member’s parrot when I was in middle school. Needless to say, the fact that birds have the advantage of the air, and can swoop down and peck away, makes me a little uneasy.

Ok- so that’s the background to this story, which happened this past Sunday night. I was sitting on my couch typing up a blog post, and a baby bird (maybe about 2-3 inches tall) flew into my living room (I had my porch doors open since it was so beautiful out) and landed briefly on a book shelf before flying into my kitchen.

I immediately ran and closed all the other doors to other rooms in my place so that it couldn’t go anywhere but the hallways, kitchen, and living room. I left the door wide open, hoping it might fly out on its own. I crawled around my kitchen (I wanted my head down lower in case it chose to fly around- I didn’t want it to hit my head!) hitting things with a fly swatter hoping to scare it out, but I heard nothing. I thought maybe he had flown out while I was closing all the other doors.

I went back to typing (with the door open), and about 15 minutes later I heard what sounded like a bunch of the pans in my sink shifting (I had a bunch of pans set up drying). I figured that the bird had climbed into the pans to hide- he must have been scared (but it’s really up to debate as to who was more scared- myself or the bird!). I went in with a pillow over my head (there’s no way I was letting that bird near my head or face) and stuck my hand up over the edge of the sink to start grabbing pans. The bird chirped loudly and I screamed and dropped a pan, but in a quick moment, it was all over and the bird was free and back outside where he belongs.

It provided a very entertaining, if not at moments nerve-wracking, Sunday evening for me. I proceeded to tell my parents, who have witnessed many little freak outs with birds, and told them this story. They laughed at me. Oh well- what are parents for, anyways? 🙂

There’s a random little story for you on this hump day! Do you have a short little story to share with me?

2 responses to “The Birds”

  1. I can’t imagine dealing with a bird in my apartment, but the way you told this story was so entertaining. I’m glad the bird got free!

    • says:

      Well thank you 🙂 I wish I had started recording on my phone so everyone could see it- I looked pathetic. hahaha. I’m glad the bird is free too!