The Little Things
February 12, 2013

I grocery shop once a week, and generally spend about 30 minutes in the store. My whole process of shopping and cooking for the week (which is primarily done on Sundays) has become pretty streamlined over the last year, and it’s made food preparation fairly low stress. Part of that is because I tend to buy many of the same products each week (or stock up when they are on sale!), so I don’t have to think about what to get. Doing this ensures that I have all sorts of meal options and tasty snacks throughout the week! I thought it might be beneficial to give you all a peek into the items that I regularly have on hand. (disclaimer: I’m not putting on condiments, spices, or baking items like sugar, flour, etc… Obviously I have those things on hand at all times)

Foods on hand Collage







Other Items

I think that’s most of it! Of course there are unique items put on the list each week based on other specific meals that I might make. However, these foods provide all sorts of potential food options that set me up well for food preparation!

Now it’s your turn to share! What are you food “must haves” that you keep on hand most of the time? 

5 responses to “Food Staples To Keep On Hand”

  1. I actually had a look at my supermarket receipts the other day to figure out what I was buying the most often. Turns out carrots, hummus, bananas, frozen berries, yoghurt, cashews, milk and English Muffins are pretty recurring items. 🙂

  2. My fruits and veggies are pretty similar to yours except I like to have some broccoli and cauliflower for roasting. I’m also a big fan of the frozen veggie steamers if I’m feeling lazy. As far as meats, I generally try to look what’s on sale but I also like to splurge on some flavored chicken sauage. I have a pineapple bacon pack in the freezer right now, yummmm!

  3. Your lists are great, Caroline! A big staple in my cabinet is a selection of clean cereals. Cereal is a default meal for me when I’m in a pinch. Other staples include cottage cheese and edamamae.

  4. Great list! I’ve gotten a little better at actually planning what meals I want to make for the week, but agree with you…. if you keep a well stocked pantry, making healthier recipe choices during the week is so much easier.

    And thanks so much for the mention.

    • Caroline says:

      I’m a huge Cabot fan:) I try to plan at least a few meals for each week, and as I mentioned, I’ll buy those “special items” on that trip. I tend to find that no matter how much I plan ahead, sometimes when the time comes I’m just not in the mood for what I’ve planned, and that’s where this list comes in handy:)