The Little Things
December 1, 2014

The Turkey Trot is one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions, and this is the 4th year that I’ve run on Thanksgiving Day (have I really been running that many years now?!). This year, we decided not to run an official race (my brother didn’t want to lose sleep and wake up early), so a large group of us decided to create our own Turkey Trot!

Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot

One individual mapped out a 3.1 mile route around neighborhoods, and we decided that 8:30 would be the start time. The map was reviewed, but I didn’t pay attention, figuring I’d stay with someone the entire time. Foreshadowing: this was a mistake. We warmed up and headed outside, took a group picture, and headed off.

The first 0.6 miles I stayed with a group of people, but then realized that they were going too fast for me, so I dropped back a bit, enjoying my music. I kept them in sight for about 2 miles, so I wasn’t concerned…. until I realized that I was lost. I couldn’t see them down any roads, and because the course wasn’t marked, I didn’t know what to do. I ended up turning around, and happened to run into my parents, who were also lost.

We pulled out my runkeeper, which I had been using, to see where we were at (the app has a map on it, so we could see where we started and the route we had taken), and at that second my phone, which still had 40% battery, died. Great. We took off running again, and wound our way through the neighborhoods until I saw a few road names that I recognized. We ended up getting back to the house we started at in about 45 minutes, clocking in about 4.2 miles: a full extra mile more than we were planning to run.

In 2013 my new race experience was actually coming in last at a race (during my jingle bell jog), and apparently 2014’s new experience was getting lost in the middle of a race.

Then I proceeded to eat the rest of the day! We had a breakfast of eggs, muffins, pumpkin scones, fresh fruit, and coffee, followed by this beautiful meal a few hours later:

Thanksgiving Dinner

I forgot to take a picture of the pie, but I had a piece of apple and a piece of pecan, which we were both delicious! We snacked the rest of the day, and I got in a little reading time in front of the fire!

Reading In Front of Fire

“Run early, eat all day” is one of my favorite phrases on Thanksgiving, and I try to live it out well 🙂

Now it’s your turn to share! Have you ever gotten lost in a race before? What’s your favorite Thanksgiving day food?

4 responses to “Turkey Trot 2014 and a New Race Day Experience…”

  1. Your meal looked delicious! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family, Car! xoxo!

    • says:

      I ate SO much- all of that plus 2nds 🙂 haha. Thanksgiving was great! I hope yours was good too 🙂

  2. I have never run on an unmarked course. I am sure I would end up lost too.

    • says:

      You can’t win them all, right? 🙂 There were too many turns and I didn’t pay enough attention.