Basically, powersheets is a goal planner that walks you through an evaluation process of your life, has detailed action step planning, and then is broken down month by month for tending lists (monthly, weekly, and daily to do lists) to help move towards more intentional living and cultivating what matters most to your life.
The fact is that most of us don’t truly live life according to our values. We say we want something from our lives, we say that something matters, but it’s HARD to make changes— so we don’t. Powersheets pushes you to think through what you value and what you want out of your year, and then walks you through some ways to make that happen!
Through this I’ve identified 9 major goals for myself for the year, and have created action steps for each of these goals. Some of these steps are small, and some aren’t. What I really like about Powersheets is that each season (spring, summer, and fall) there is an option to update or change goals as you continue to discover how to best live life according to your values.
I’ll be sharing a bit about powersheets throughout the year, so I just wanted to give a bit of information on it right off the bat in 2018!
The other fun piece of this is that not only is there a great online community on Facebook and instagram, but a group of us from the area I live in have gotten together twice so far to talk through our powersheets. It’s been great to have a group of people to bounce ideas off of and stay a bit accountable to.