However, I really haven’t been able to really appreciate the progress that I’ve made because about eight weeks ago a moving truck arrived at my house with 81 boxes and items of furniture. My parents sold my childhood home (that’s a whole different post, as it isn’t easy to say goodbye to a house you grew up in!), moving to a different place in the country, along with downsizing. So, needless to say, they could no longer hold onto the things they have saved, so they landed at my house. While plenty of the things I feel lucky to have (I finally have my piano that was purchased for me in 1st grade, for example!), it has filled my house and created a sense of feeling overwhelmed.
stacks of old pictures and projects tossed!
I’ve tried to go slowly box by box, but it’s definitely been a bit overwhelming! I’ve been living between stacks of boxes, since my house was full enough to begin with, and 81 boxes full of stuff certainly adds a whole lot to a house! I was cramming boxes in my extra bedroom, my extra bathroom, and in the corner of the kitchen. NOT how I want to live, but a necessity for the moment.
It’s felt like the opposite of “simplify”. It’s felt like complication.
I’ve spent hours going through page after page of homework, “artwork”, and sheets practicing math and handwriting from my elementary years. I’ve kept a small amount, but have dumped bags worth of items. With each bag I feel a little lighter, but still feel overwhelmed by the journey I have ahead of me.
found this gem. It was a “self portrait”. yikes. 🙂
That being said, as I type this, I feel better than I have in the last eight weeks. I feel overwhelmed with all the items that were delivered, but feel thankful for the option of having them (like my piano and my bedroom set from home- I finally have a queen bed in my house!).
This is all part of the journey to simplifying, isn’t it?
For other posts on my simplifying journey, check out: A decluttering update, a simplify update, and memories aren’t in our things.