Nail polish and reading above the clouds
Here are a few random facts from the week:
1. Traveling alone this past week was SO strange. I arrived at the airport, checked in, and immediately was stressed that I couldn’t find my team. Everywhere I went for those 10 days in Mexico I was responsible for 20 people, and the entire time I was flying to Florida I kept having little moments of anxiety that I couldn’t find the people I was responsible for. It was funny and weird all at once.
2. I’m not sure why it is, but within 1-2 hours of being inside an airport my skin gets REALLY dry. I keep forgetting to put lotion in my travel bag, and then I end up regretting my forgetfulness.
3. I’ve been watching “Married at First Sight” (episodes are online and the A& E website) the past few weeks, and what a completely strange concept for a show that one is! They keep calling the marriages “an experiment”, which I think is the absolutely opposite way we should go into a marriage, but I can’t stop watching it anyways.
4. I’m an extrovert, and don’t have a need for too much time by myself at all (especially not when I’m seeing a smaller case load like I do in the summers), so coming home from vacation can be extra difficult. I went from spending 100% of my time with my cousin to having lots of hours a day by myself, and that’s a bit rough for me to adjust to.
5. In Florida I had fresh squeezed orange juice every morning (cut the orange in half, stuck it in the juicer, and enjoy!), and I absolutely loved it! I’ve been really craving it since I returned, and would love to start every morning with a little glass of it!
Now it’s your turn to share! What’s one random fact from your week? Do you need much alone time?
The differences between extroverts and introverts is so fascinating to me. I fall more on the introverted side of the spectrum, so whenever I am around people, I always look forward to those moments alone to decompress and “re-fill” my energy tank. It’s crazy how people can vary in these ways, as I could never understand the way an extrovert feels. I’m sure it has been hard for you though going from one extreme to the other.
Are you done with all of your travels now?
It definitely is hard to jump from one extreme to the next, but I’ve spent a few hours every day with friends since I’ve gotten home, so that’s helped to ease me back a bit. I don’t have any big trips planned right now, but then again my trip to Florida was booked only about 3 weeks before I went, so who knows what might pop up over the summer! Do you have any other plans for travel this summer?