Know better, do better; this is something I think about so often, both in my own life, as well as while I’m talking to my clients. It’s so easy to look back at previous situations in life and beat ourselves up for what we chose to do. But then, I remember this…
We can only do the best we can do with what we know and where we’re at in the moment. That’s all we’re capable of doing. As we learn and grow and change, we develop the capability to do better in life. It’s our responsibility, when we learn and know better, to do better in our life (what good is self-awareness and learning if we don’t start implementing changes in our life?), but it’s hard to do better with the things we don’t know. It reminds me to inhale grace, and exhale gratitude in my life as I strive to better myself. Know better, do better.
Now it’s your turn to share! Is there something in your life that you now “know better”, but need to implement into your life (the doing better part)? Any thoughts on this quote?
Never heard that quote before, love it!
Me too!