The Little Things
April 17, 2013

I have a pretty weak upper body. I always have, really. As a dancer, I needed a strong core and legs, and neglected my arms in the process. I wrote a post at the beginning of March 2012 that was all about my first time lifting in half a decade. I’ve lifted on and off with him since that time, but it definitely hasn’t been consistent. I’m not that comfortable in the weight area, and would feel pretty lost without him. However, as I continue to train for running and triathlon races, I know that I need to add in strength training on a regular basis. And so, with that in mind, I’m working on it:


That’s right! I’m going to boot camp! Specifically, I’m participating in this round of Tina’s Best Body Boot camp! I watched a few rounds of it, and grew increasingly interested in participating. However, I didn’t know if I would end up wanting to do the workouts, and so I hesitated to sign up this spring. However, I happened to win a free entry to boot camp through a giveaway on Tina’s blog, and I was thrilled! We’re in week three (of eight) right now, and so far I’m loving it! Well… I don’t love the “it hurts to put on my shirt” feeling, but I love the results.

I’m so excited to continue to become more comfortable with strength training, as well as to see how it impacts my races throughout the next year as well. Tina’s workouts are straight forward and give a fantastic workout! I’m loving it so far!

Now it’s your turn to share! Is strength training a regular part of your training schedule? What’s your favorite strength training exercise to do? Have you ever done best body boot camp? 

2 responses to “I’m Going To Boot Camp”

  1. kruzmeister says:

    I love lifting weights and have done so for most of my life. In fact if I had to choose between cardio and strength work, strength work would win every time. I love working my back. Not too fond of working my legs or abs. Never done bootcamp but I do have PT sessions with my trainer. – Simone

  2. I LOVE working my legs… bring on the squats and lunges. I prefer lifting over cardio. I love feeling strong!