Above are some pictures to prove to you that I really love these sleeves: Monumental Half Marathon 2013, Indy Mini 2013, Monumental Half Marathon 2012. I LOVE running in these compression sleeves, and I can tell a huge different when I don’t have them on during a run. I do run occasionally without them, but I don’t like the feeling at all. These sleeves are great quality and have held up perfectly for almost 2 years now!
You can read all about the benefits of compression here. In a nutshell, compression can help with muscle damage (less DOMS later on!), muscle fatigue, helps blood flow from the legs, and can lead to a better and faster recovery.
To me, these compression sleeves are so much more than running though. With POTS, blood can easily pool in the legs (much more than the average person). Between that and overall blood flow issues due to the POTS, I not only can get really dizzy when I exercise, but I get really sore and have a higher likelihood of injury. These compression sleeves are true lifesavers for me. If I know I have to be on my feet for long periods of time (even when not exercising), I wear them to keep proper blood flow. I also wear them often on long car trips and flights, again for healthy blood flow (and to avoid DVT!).
These sleeves come with me on almost every trip and to almost ever race… at least over the last 22 months. If you’re looking for high quality compression sleeves that won’t stretch out or lose their shape, then these are your sleeves. They are definitely worth the investment. I’ll be wearing these sleeves as I train for my 5th half marathon this spring as well!
I love this product so much that I started communicating with BioSkin via twitter in the summer of 2013, and ended up sharing a bit of my story with them. You can check it out here (and share your story with them as well!). I want to mention here that I was in no way asked to write this post, but thought I would share with each of you this product that I truly value (obviously since I’ve been wearing them for 2 years now)! BioSkin has many other products beyond compression sleeves (like foot & ankle braces, knee braches, thigh supports, back braces, and wrist braces). Make sure to check them out!
Now it’s your turn to share! Do you use compression during or after exercise? Have you ever heard of BioSkin before?
Why do you prefer BioSkin’s sleeves over other brands? Any reason in particular? Just curious 🙂
One thing that I particularly love is that it’s been just under 2 years and my sleeves are just as tight as they always have been. They don’t stretch out, even after long races, and they’ve held up incredibly well. My cousin has complained about hers getting all stretched out, and I keep telling her to pay a bit more and get BioSkin! 🙂
I love compression socks! These look great!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your running skirt. 🙂
Thank you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my skirt too- it’s so comfortable and I’ve run 4 half marathons on it and can’t think of any complaints 🙂