I’ve written twice before about “freedom from stuff”- last June right after I listened to a podcast called freedom from stuff, as well as this past December when I updated all of you on how this quest had gone for myself in 2014. Since just moved a few weeks ago, I thought I’d update you all a bit on my ongoing quest!
Moving is interesting, because it gives people a chance to touch almost every single one of their possessions as they pack. This is precisely what made me nervous about moving. I attach sentimental or practical value to things, and that makes it difficult to get rid of things. As soon as June hit and I realized that there was a strong likelihood that I would be moving, I decided to make it my goal to throw away a bag of things (separate from my normal trash output- that didn’t count!) and donate at least a bag of things every week. Most weeks I did two-three bags, which felt great. In order to help keep me motivated, I kept a list of everything I was tossing and donated, and surprisingly this kept me excited about the prospect.
I felt really great about everything that I had gotten rid of until I moved into my new place and had a room and a half filled with boxes, as well as the kitchen being mostly full. And then a friend who was helping me move said “Oh my gosh- how do you have so much stuff?!”. YIKES.
Packing chaos at my old apartment. Yeah- in the front and center is a disposable camera that I found… I have no idea why I would’ve even had it…
Now that I’m in the unpacking process, I’m following my own advice that I gave back in December and am keeping a donate bag going. Now that I’m touching everything again on this end, I’m trying to be extra critical about whether or not I REALLY need or even want the item in hand.
The fact is that a lot of my stuff has been sitting in boxes for weeks (Update from this week: I still have 14 boxes that aren’t unpacked. Yes. 14. They’ve been packed since June, which was five months ago, and I don’t necessarily have plans to unpack them soon), and it stresses me out.
That’s right. I’ve finally reached the point where my stuff is beginning to stress me out. I’m so thankful for the things that I have that I love, use regularly, and add something to my life. I’m starting to realize that not everything I own fits those categories, and it’s something I’ve been thinking often about. I don’t necessarily have answers, although I do know that I’ve gotten rid of A LOT in the five months of “moving time” that has occurred, but I still have a lot I don’t know what to do with, so for now it just sits in a room…
I want to be authentic and say that I’m not where I want to be when it comes to my material possessions, and that frustrates me, but I’m making progress, and I want to acknowledge that too.