The Little Things
May 20, 2014

On Saturday I finally sucked it up and took my bike to the shop to get my back tire changed. Because I’ve been riding on my trainer since the start of December, my back tire has been rubbed down such that it wouldn’t be that safe to ride out on the road. (I just checked and I rode about 462 miles on my trainer from December-mid May).

While I was excited to finally hit the road biking again, I was also a little nervous. Biking has been a nerve-wracking thing for me. These nerves kept me from biking for 11 years, but biking has also been a place where I’ve gotten to practice overcoming fears. Biking has led to exciting moments, like my first triathlon, as well as my second triathlon, and a great 40 mile ride at the end of last summer. To me, biking feels like fear, but it also feels like freedom.

bike ride, fall, cycling

So, while I was nervous, I knew I just needed to get back out there to re-discover why I loved it so much. The first three miles felt a little tough. I wasn’t used to standing up while going over bumps, I wasn’t used to biking against the wind, and I had just done my long run 24 hours before, so my legs were a bit tired.

By mile 4, I’m pretty sure that a smile had found its way to my face, and I felt like I was flying again. I forgot that biking gives a sense of freedom that running and walking can’t give- to fly down the road with the wind feels awesome.

All winter I wondered if I was going to lose any of my biking fitness over the months; I wondered if my pace would drop back down again. When I finished the ride, I was happy to see that, even with tired legs, my pace matched my two fastest rides last year, which happened right before I switched back to my trainer.

So, I’d say that I’m happy with the way I trained over the winter, and I’m happy where I’m at going into the summer. My goal for the summer is to try and pick my pace up 2 mph or so for many of my bike rides- we’ll see how it goes!

Now it’s your turn to share! Have you done anything lately that’s scared you?


4 responses to “First Bike Ride Of The Season”

  1. runawaybridalplanner says:

    So fun, good luck on your bike goal!!!! I used to love taking my bike out, I only have a mountain bike, but I loved taking it to Moab and riding on the slickrock and other mountain trails. I haven’t done it in a few years, and you just made me realize I really should take my bike off the hooks its been hanging on way too long and get out and enjoy it a little more again!

    • Caroline says:

      Wow- it sounds like you have an awesome place to ride! Yes- get out there and take advantage of what you have (and let me know how it does! ).

  2. Wow, I can’t believe how many miles you logged on the trainer during the winter. The first time back on the “roads” is always a little nerve wracking and I still get a little nervous before every ride. Once I settle in, that all goes away. For me, the thought of swimming freestyle in open water with massive amounts of people scares me. I am going to be doing my first open water swim on Friday to shake some of those fears. 🙂

    • Caroline says:

      Great job getting out and doing the thing that scares you! Open water swims are nerve-wracking– especially when people can kick and punch you in the face. Keep your breathing steady and calm!