The Little Things
December 23, 2013

Last week I did a 2013 in Running post, so I decided to do the same (or close to the same) sort of post for biking. While I started to bike again after an 11 year hiatus in 2012, 2013 really was the year where I stepped it up in the biking department, biking over 550 miles in the year.
  1. Best Race Experience? I’ve never done a biking only race. I did a sprint triathlon this year, so I suppose that since this was my only race where biking was involved, it would also have to be my favorite? Truth be told, it was one of the most scary bike rides I’ve ever done to date.
  2. Best Bike Ride. That’s a tough one. Just like my run recap, I’m going to choose 2 rides. The first would be the 40 mile bike ride I went on this summer, which is my current PDR. I also went on a 20 miler this fall which is the longest distance I’ve biked on my own, and that felt pretty fantastic.
  3. Best new piece of gear. This year I got my first biking jersey, I got Old Blue, and I got a bike trainer. I love all 3 of them! photo
  4. Best piece of biking advice received. I’m going to take this in a bit of a different direction and say the biggest lesson I learned: I need to make sure to not only bring gatorade, but also to bring salt packets on long rides. When I got really dizzy during my 33 mile ride, salt packets immediately turned me around!
  5. Most Inspirational Biker: I don’t have one… yet. I’ve loved watching Mirinda Carfrae race at Kona though!
  6. If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would it be? I still freak out at some point during almost every bike ride (I’m really terrified to fall), but I’ve conquered my fears and have loved flying with the wind in my face on my bike!
  7. Most exciting biking moment of 2013. Bringing Old Blue home with me and heading out on my first ride with him! I’ve loved going from refusing to ride for over a decade to looking forward to jumping on him after work for a quick ride!

Now it’s your turn to share! Tell me about your biking for the year!

One response to “2013 in Biking”

  1. Great idea and you’re making me want a bike now! Maybe when I move to Oregon? Bikes are big there… 🙂